How do you prepare for an exam?

Tess Thomas  | 


In Assembly’s “Around the world” series, girls sound off on the topics that matter to them, from the companies they’re dreaming up to the issues they wished more leaders talked about.

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“Exams, whew. I always make sure that I read through recommended textbooks at least twice, read through notes and past questions a couple of more times, attend study groups and listen to audiobooks while sleeping (who knows what my brain can absorb at that point!).”

— Moyinoluwa, 20, Nigeria


“Once I've learned as much as I can and am confident that I know my material, I take the day before the exam to do nothing at all that's related to it. I read, I draw pictures, I catch up on other things. This is because I don't believe last-minute work will help me; all it will do is stress me out, and when an exam is approaching, it's important to be calm.”

— Holly, 21, U.K.


“Days before the exam date I start studying, highlighting important terms in my books and making graphic organizers to understand the topics better. Also, I don't look at social media to avoid distraction.”

— Andrea, 17, Guatemala


“I study the syllabi covered that week over the weekend. I read the textbook once, refer to extra notes, go through the past papers, write important points down and make a creative story out of each concept that helps remembering them.”

— Uswa e Zainab, 14, Pakistan

Meet the Author
Meet the Author
Tess Thomas

is the former editor of Assembly. She loves books, cats and french fries.