If you could change one thing about school, what would it be?
In Assembly’s “Around the world” series, girls sound off on the topics that matter to them, from the companies they’re dreaming up to the issues they wished more leaders talked about.
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“I believe it would be important to focus more on teaching kids about kindness and love (loving themselves and others). An important part of this should be actively working towards ending school bullying. This could help children have better mental health and be the pillars of a happier and healthier society. I think teaching children about happiness and compassion is just as important as any other lesson.”
— Zoe, 22, Hungary
“The Japanese education system is so inflexible that it does not allow students to explore their interests even though they are required to decide whether they would like to move on to STEM or non-STEM fields during their sophomore year of high school. In addition, it focuses on exam scores and nothing else. I would like to change this process to something that allows students' passions and potentials to be considered.”
— Kanon, 22, Japan/US
“Growing up as a girl I have seen that in schools when the topic of menstruation comes up, teachers teach only girls and ask the boys to go out of the class. This leads to many mishappenings like violence against girls because of the lack of knowledge and understanding about periods. I want to change that so that both girls and boys should also be taught about menstruation.”
— Kavita, 17, India
“I wish to open a school where the focus is on educating young students — as they are the future of my country — rather than focusing on what girls are wearing.”
— Fatima, 13, Pakistan
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