What is the best advice you have ever received?
In Assembly’s “Around the world” series, girls sound off on the topics that matter to them, from the companies they’re dreaming up to the issues they wished more leaders talked about.
Want to share your thoughts? Use our submission form to be featured in a future issue!
“An ‘I'll do it tomorrow’ attitude only brings ‘I should've done it yesterday’ consequences.”
— Heloisa, 19, Mozambique
"Being happy is a decision you make every day and it's the key to personal freedom. I like to think of happiness as a choice because it has helped me feel in control of my life rather than being a pure product of my surroundings."
— Anna, 17, Austria
“All opportunities have a limited window of time to grasp them.”
— Shifa, 18, India
“Someone who I consider to be very clever had once told me that our grades don't define who we are. I scowled at that at first because for many of us school and university is all the life we've known so far. However, all grades do is measure how quickly and efficiently you learn and memorise things. They don't measure kindness, empathy, love or loyalty — some of the most important values out there, in my opinion.”
— Julia, 20, Luxembourg
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