What website do you visit most often?

Tess Thomas  | 


In Assembly’s “Around the world” series, girls sound off on the topics that matter to them, from the companies they’re dreaming up to the issues they wished more leaders talked about.

Want to share your thoughts? Use our submission form to be featured in a future issue!

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“During the pandemic with online studies, the site that I use the most is Google Classroom. But I really like to follow the news on BBC News’ Instagram. I like to be aware of the actions of the U.N. because one day I hope to work as an international relations journalist and be a U.N. activist.”

— Maria Júlia, 13, Brazil

Dekshina, 16, India (1) Cropped.jpg

“I visit Assembly often because it helps me to know the real problems faced by the girls around the world.”

— Dekshina, 16, India

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“Laying in bed and coffee in my hand, this is my favorite spot to spend time surfing my favorite site, YouTube. From TEDx Talks to watching vlogs from all over the world, YouTube has such a positive impact on my life. Through people sharing their stories, I am inspired, changing my mindset, habits and the way I look at things. Five years ago, I was struggling with my English. Now listening to videos repetitively made me master this language. And unbelievably, I am now speaking five languages (Arabic, French, English, Spanish and Romanian).”

— Sarra, 19, Tunisia

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“A Bangladeshi website called Rokomari. I visit this website because it is a very good website for finding and ordering books. I usually order novels, fiction and biographies, but I love to order Islamic books mainly.”

— Sharia, 19, Bangladesh

Meet the Author
Meet the Author
Tess Thomas

is the former editor of Assembly. She loves books, cats and french fries.