What’s a lesson you learned from sports that you've applied to other areas of your life?
In Assembly’s “Around the world” series, girls sound off on the topics that matter to them, from the companies they’re dreaming up to the issues they wished more leaders talked about.
Want to share your thoughts? Use our submission form to be featured in a future issue!
“Throughout my life, I have always been an active person, which has been a significant complement to my academic career. However I have also had a rough time with injuries, which has made me stronger in the sense that I do not punish myself for it, I learn from the experience and work consistently to be better. That’s what I do with all the activism that I am currently doing. When something does not work out, I look for other ways to create an impact in concerns related to climate justice, human rights, environmental issues and social injustices.”
— Juliany, 21, Mexico
“Don't be afraid to fall, everyone fails at something. Just work hard and trust the process because nothing worth having comes easy. Believe me, one day you'll thank yourself for never giving up.”
— Averina, 21, Indonesia
“I was never the best in sports at school. But one thing sports has taught me is that losing a match or a competition is not the end of the world. You can always try again and again. Winning is a great thing but having the courage to participate in a competition and giving your best is what matters the most.”
— Opshori, 17, Bangladesh
“Focusing your energy on yourself, as the only thing you can control is you. One of my netball coaches told me, ‘We’re not here to win, we’re here to just do the best we can do and have a good game.’ This made me realise that instead of focusing on winning, I should focus on what I can do. (We did win that game though!)”
— Anju, 15, Australia
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