For International Day of the Girl, Malala talks with two Malala Fund Fellows, Dr. Ayesha Kareem and Tamilore Omojola, about their work in co-leading Girls’ Vision for Education and what keeps them inspired as fellow activists.
From becoming a tailor to teaching other girls in secret, Afghan girls share their lives under Taliban rule.
September 15 marks the three-year ban on girls' education in Afghanistan. We asked Erin Hung, an illustrator and storyteller, to depict the lives and wishes of Afghan girls — and the result is one of a kind.
23-year-old climate activist, Alexia Lelercq takes us along as she and her peers fight for an equitable fossil fuel phase-out. Go behind the scenes at the largest climate conference in the world.
20-year-old Mehek Kandru, a college student from California, reflects on her chat with UN Youth Climate Advisor Joice Mendez on all things climate and youth activism.
18-year-old Maria Eduarda reflects on writing the #GirlsDecide Manifesto, demanding quality, equal education for all. To her, education is fundamental to their identities, activism, and liberation.
16-year-old Thuézia Souza is a girl activist researching the causes of girls’ school dropout in Cabo de Santo Agostinho, Pernambuco, Brazil. She reflects on her chat with Malala about her dreams for girls’ education in Brazil.
25-year-old Pakistani artist Areeba Siddique shares her art inspirations and advice for other young women artists.
Ambitious and passionate about learning, 16-year-old Dafrina Kalyla, loves school. But studying in a competitive environment was taking a mental toll on her, Dafrina writes the tips and tricks that help her combat academic burnout.
15-year-old Fatima Binte Muhammad writes about her busy week attending Model United Nations events and advocating for girls’ rights through an online community, GirlUp.
The Afghan youth team is at the center of a new documentary reflecting on their 2021 evacuation, prepping for their first Youth World Cup, and their hopes for the future of Afghan girls.
Recent graduate, Storiya Iqbal, recounts her fight for education in Pakistan and how that struggle led her to a full scholarship and a biomedical degree in the United States.
Mahya takes us through her busy week as a Youtuber, polyglot, and volunteer helping Afghan girls access education.
.زیرنویس: مژده اکبری، فعال 17 ساله از بزرگ شدن اش در افغانستان و امید های آینده خویش می نویسد
“We have such a wealth of knowledge and we are hungry and thirsty for experience and to share our perspectives on things,” she says.
Manasi Gajjalapurna and Sualeha Irshad discuss with girls from India, Peru and Sri Lanka the importance of educating and empowering young women around the world.
Una estudiante salvadoreña escribe sobre cómo todos estudiantes merecen poder tomar decisiones informadas, seguras y saludables sobre ellos mismos y sus cuerpos.
18-year-old Burmese student Aye Phyu Phyu Thant writes about her feelings of confusion, yearning and sadness as she observes the conflict in Myanmar from afar.
ایک نوجوان پاکستانی کارکن موسمیاتی ناانصافی کے اپنے ملک پر مرتب ہونے والے دیرپا اثرات اور کوپ 27 سے اپنی توقعات کے بارے میں اظہار خیال کرتی ہیں۔
A young Pakistani activist writes about the lasting effects of climate injustice and what she wants to see happen at COP27.
In her photo series “Brown Is,” 20-year-old Nila Varman celebrates solidarity between South Asian people and communities.