On International Day of the Girl, help your friends and family commit to listening to girls’ voices today and every day by subscribing to Assembly.
From fundraising to social media campaigns, young women share how they’re raising awareness about the issues they care about.
Pakistani teacher Asma Manzar Qureshi writes about her experience with the disease and how she’s creating an inclusive learning environment for every student.
Malala Fund Education Champions Aheli Chowdhury and Yuman Hussain discuss their work keeping girls learning during the crisis.
In the months leading up to COP26, we’re publishing original pieces on how climate change has affected your education, what you're learning (or not learning!) about the climate crisis in school and what actions you want to see leaders take at the conference.
10-year-old Aleena Baloch shares how the nonprofit Science Fuse is helping girls like her receive quality science education.
Malala Fund Education Champions are navigating compounded crises to help Syrian refugees learn in Lebanon.
Assembly readers Eduek and Uforo Nsentip ask Malala Fund’s research officer Naomi Nyamweya about the relationship between climate change and girls’ education.
Bhumika answers questions from girls around the world — from how to start an Instagram account to landing your dream job at a nonprofit.
A photo essay from Malala Yousafzai’s recent trip to learn from girls and local education advocates.
Browse the issue and find out how you can get a copy for yourself (and some extras to share with your friends)!
Malala reflects on the first year of her digital publication and newsletter for girls.
Lee la nota especial de Malala a los lectores de Assembly.
Découvrez la note spécialement écrite par Malala pour les lectrices d’Assembly.
قراءة رسالة ملالا الخاصة إلى قارئات الجمعية
16-year-old Zoë McClain finds a creative way to support Malala Fund’s work.