Nayla Ariwibowo writes about her initiative, Diatas Langit, which helps other Indonesian students continue learning during the pandemic.
Saya menyadari bahwa, sepanjang hidup saya, saya terbiasa menerima gambaran kecantikan ideal yang begitu rasis dengan mengagungkan kulit putih dan meremehkan kulit gelap.
I realized that I have been internalizing all my life racist beauty ideals that favor light skin tones and discriminate against darker ones.
21-year-old Clara Spars writes about starting her fashion brand, KITA Products, which raises money for organisations like We Love Lake Street, the Navajo & Hopi Families COVID-19 Relief Fund and FarmLink.
Sarah Savitri interviews period poverty activist Alisha Syakira Triawan on how Indonesia can end its stigma around menstruation.
Sarah Savitri aktivis Period Poverty, Alisha Syakira Triawan, mengenai bagaimana negaranya bisa menghentikan stigma-stigma tentang menstruasi.
Voice of Baceprot challenges stereotypes about gender, culture and religion through heavy metal music.
Voice of Baceprot menentang stereotip tentang gender, budaya, dan agama melalui musik heavy metal.
These misconceptions about periods keep girls around the world from realising their potential.
Teen sisters, Melati and Isabel, are fighting for an answer.