22-year-old Deborah Evbotokhai knows all too well the obstacles that impact young women in Nigeria. She writes about how her advocacy led her to champion girls’ education through the Nigerian Girls Guides Association.
As the school year begins for many globally, the same cannot be said for Afghan girls. 19-year-old education activist, Aydin Sahba Yaqouby, pens an open letter to the leaders of the world who have not acted to protect the rights or hear the demands of Afghan girls.
Syrian-American poet Hanan Nyrabeah writes about how her grandmother’s revolutionary spirit fuels her poetry.
Meet the 19-year-old portrait artist from Pakistan paying homage to her heroes in a unique medium
17-year-old student Sara Bonaparte writes about racism in Italy and its impact on her identity as a mixed-race young woman.
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Three girls from the Amhara region write about displacement, gender-based violence and coping with trauma.
19-year-old student activist and researcher Riya Mehta writes about the importance of using carbon extraction tools to remove extensive amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.
How to refine your pitch and make sure it stands out.
A 20-year-old Salvadoran student writes about how every student deserves to be able to make informed, safe and healthy choices about themselves and their body.
Alison writes about working as an e-commerce intern, preparing for a big dance recital and watching a Taylor Swift cover band.
18-year-old Faith Guilbault is the star of “Faith’s World,” which details her life with cerebral palsy.
21-year-old student and radio host Nila Varman in the U.K. writes about the misrepresentation of South Asians in the media.
Anita Serrano Bazán, profesora en prácticas de 22 años, escribe sobre las deficiencias del sistema educativo chileno.
22-year-old trainee teacher Anita Serrano Bazán writes about the shortcomings of the Chilean education system.
We rounded up Assembly contributors’ best tips for navigating your professional life.
The new documentary “I am Belmaya” chronicles filmmaker Belmaya Nepali’s fight to pursue her passion.
Pourquoi l’enseignement supérieur est-il souvent impossible à atteindre pour les étudiants à faibles revenus dont les parents n’ont pas suivi d’études supérieures aux États-Unis ?
16-year-old Mexican student María Fernanda writes about recovering from an eating disorder.
Traditional expectations, teen pregnancy, poverty and gender-based harassment limit girls’ opportunities for the future.