18-year-old Charitie Ropati writes about her work developing Native-centric curricula in the U.S.
Nossos fotógrafos acompanharam essas jovens ativistas durante suas conversas com deputados brasileiros sobre os problemas enfrentados em suas escolas, incluindo banheiros precários, transporte incerto, professores mal remunerados e acesso insuficiente a tecnologia.
Our photographer followed these young activists as they told Brazilian officials about the issues facing their schools, including poor bathrooms, unreliable transportation, underpaid teachers and insufficient access to technology.
La activista Joseline Velásquez Morales ayuda a las estudiantes a luchar por la legislación en contra del matrimonio infantil y a favor de la educación en salud sexual y reproductiva.
Activist Joseline Velásquez Morales helps students advocate for legislation against child marriage and for sexual and reproductive health education.
Learn what a week is like in the lives of girls from Brazil, India, Japan, Mexico and Turkey.
Maikele e Itocovoti, de 17 anos, estão lutando contra longas distâncias para a escola, discriminação e educação de baixa qualidade.
Assista a estudante de 19 anos, Sthefany, abordar os desafios que ela enfrenta como uma menina indígena no Brasil.
Watch 19-year-old student Sthefany tackle the challenges she faces as an Indigenous girl in Brazil.
17-year-olds Maikele and Itocovoti are fighting against long distances to school, discrimination and low-quality education.