For International Women’s Day, we asked illustrator Joelle Avelino to draw girls in their future jobs.
Sempena sambutan Hari Wanita Antarabangsa, kami minta ilustrator Joelle Avelino untuk melukis gambar beberapa orang gadis dalam suasana kerjaya masa depan mereka.
ለአለም አቀፍ የሴቶች ቀን ፣ ሰዓሊ Joelle Avelino ልጃገረዶችን የወደፊት ስራዎቻቸው እንዳሉ አድርጎ ስእላዊ መግለጫ እንድሰጥ ለመሳል ጠየቅን፡
Le pedimos a la ilustradora Joelle Avelino que dibujara a estas niñas en su futuro trabajo para el Día Internacional de la Mujer.
Pedimos à ilustradora Joelle Avelino para desenhar estas meninas em seu futuro trabalho para o Dia Internacional da Mulher.
“The global community is spending less than half the amount it needs to on education. This lack of funding is not only limiting girls, but it is also limiting our world.”
The organisation 100cameras teaches students like Shireen how to tell their stories through photography.
Student refugee Nibras Basitkey shares what she learned while interning at Citi.
Watch 20-year-old Yazidi refugee Nibras Basitkey navigate a new life miles away from her village in northern Iraq.
Nibras Basitkey writes about becoming the first person in her family to graduate high school.
Student refugees recall testifying against bill limiting refugee resettlement.