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Assembly's latest series features 30 female athletes around the world who defy convention on and off the field.

समावेशी हुने कुरा आउँदा, गल्फ संसार अपेक्षित स्तरमा छैन - तर नेपाल, नाइजेरिया र मेक्सिकोका यी युवतीहरूले यसलाई परिवर्तन गर्न प्रयास गरिरहेका छन् ।

Girls from Australia, Colombia, India, Japan and more discuss their plans for the future and what it’s like graduating during a pandemic.

Girls from 13 countries share photos of their favourite activities and tell us why they love them.

Assembly readers from 12 countries share their latest creations.