Between lots of Zoom calls, girls told us what works — and what doesn’t — in remote learning.
For International Women’s Day, we asked illustrator Joelle Avelino to draw girls in their future jobs.
Sempena sambutan Hari Wanita Antarabangsa, kami minta ilustrator Joelle Avelino untuk melukis gambar beberapa orang gadis dalam suasana kerjaya masa depan mereka.
ለአለም አቀፍ የሴቶች ቀን ፣ ሰዓሊ Joelle Avelino ልጃገረዶችን የወደፊት ስራዎቻቸው እንዳሉ አድርጎ ስእላዊ መግለጫ እንድሰጥ ለመሳል ጠየቅን፡
Le pedimos a la ilustradora Joelle Avelino que dibujara a estas niñas en su futuro trabajo para el Día Internacional de la Mujer.
Pedimos à ilustradora Joelle Avelino para desenhar estas meninas em seu futuro trabalho para o Dia Internacional da Mulher.
Assembly readers from Bangladesh, Nigeria, Portugal, Tunisia and more share photos of their friends and tell us why their girl crew is special.
Young women from Brazil, Ethiopia, India, Malaysia and more share their stories to destigmatise menstruation.
Girls from 13 countries share photos of their favourite activities and tell us why they love them.
I sat down with 23-year-old Malaysian comics creator Reimena Yee, who was recently nominated for the industry’s equivalent of the Academy Awards.
Hailing from Brazil, Ethiopia, France, India, Malaysia and the U.S., six young photographers discuss their work and their advice on breaking into the field.
Originaires du Brésil, d’Éthiopie, de France, d’Inde, de Malaisie et des États-Unis, six jeunes photographes discutent de leur travail, expliquent comment percer dans le milieu et parlent de ce qui les inspire.
Provenientes de Brasil, Etiopía, Francia, India, Malasia y EE. UU., seis jóvenes fotógrafas discuten su trabajo, sus consejos sobre cómo entrar al campo y dónde encuentran inspiración.
الإشادة بست مصوّرات شابات من البرازيل، إثيوبيا، فرنسا، الهند، ماليزيا والولايات المتحدة يناقشن أعمالهن، ويقدمن نصائحهن حول كيفية اقتحام مجال التصوير، وأين يجدن الإلهام.