Watch 16-year-old Peace take you on a tour of the Nigerian community where she helps girls advocate for their rights.
Watch 14-year-old Akanksha on her 10-kilometre journey to school in India.
Watch 14-year-old Hedil, a Syrian refugee, take you on a tour of her new life in Turkey
En Roll Call, Regina habla sobre la importancia de su familia y sus amigos, su pasión por el medio ambiente y sus sueños para el futuro.
Watch 13-year-old student Regina, from Mexico, share about her passions and what a regular week looks like for her and her family.
Assista a estudante de 19 anos, Sthefany, abordar os desafios que ela enfrenta como uma menina indígena no Brasil.
Watch 19-year-old student Sthefany tackle the challenges she faces as an Indigenous girl in Brazil.
Watch teen robotics expert Kanon Nakajima prepare to win her next championship.
Watch 20-year-old Yazidi refugee Nibras Basitkey navigate a new life miles away from her village in northern Iraq.
Dr. Seema Jayachandran, a development economist at Northwestern University, gives Assembly readers a brief overview of Malala Fund’s latest report in this video.