14-year-old Mahtab reflects on the generosity of people in Pakistan towards her and other families from Afghanistan seeking refuge.
18-year-old Sara interviews authors Karimot and Zulaikha on their writing for social change and their focus on youth — “If we're really trying to change the way people think and see the world, then young people are the biggest key to that.”
Lua Quinelato, que tem 19 anos, reflete sobre sua experiência como menina travesti na universidade pública, onde achou sua comunidade, e escrita do Manifesto #MeninasDecidem, exigindo educação de qualidade e com equidade para todas as meninas. Para as jovens, a educação inclusiva é fundamental para seu ativismo, identidades e libertação.
19-year-old Lua Quinelato reflects on her experience in a public university as a transvesti girl and finding community, and writing the #GirlsDecide Manifesto, demanding quality, equal education for all.
La activista Yanisbeth González Robinson explica por qué debemos reflejar las perspectivas de los pueblos indígenas en las soluciones climáticas.
Ainda bebê, Mariana de Andrade foi diagnosticada com surdez nos dois ouvidos. Hoje, é medalhista de natação e estuda fonoaudiologia para ajudar crianças a superar os desafios da perda auditiva.
کاویہ کاڈیا ایک نوجوان پاکستانی خاتون محقق کے ساتھ اپنی اتفاقی ملاقات کا احوال بیان کرتی ہیں جس نے ان کے سائنسی تحقیق، کمیونٹی اور خواتین کو بااختیار بنانے سے متعلق نظریات تبدیل کر کے رکھ دیے۔
Leela writes about how she balances her passion for researching human rights with protecting her mental health.
Kavya Kadia reflects on how a chance encounter with a young Pakistani researcher changed her outlook on scientific research, community, and women’s empowerment.
Pashtana Durrani, Axana Soltan, and Freshta Karim are at the forefront of alternative learning initiatives for Afghan youth in the face of the girls’ ban on secondary education.
20-year-old Maria writes about her first time in a curly hair salon and how it helped her confront the colonial history and stigma surrounding hair textures in the Dominican Republic.
15-year-old Ahtyirahm Allen, writes about how her Ihuk ceremony, a coming-of-age tradition for young women, helped her gain a sense of power through her indigenous identity and embrace her power as a woman.
17-year-old activist Muzhda Akbari writes about growing up in Afghanistan and her hopes for the future.
Kayla Greene writes about the discrimination she experienced in the classroom because of her speech and language disorder and learning style.
18-year-old student Chiara Longo writes about facing discrimination for hearing loss and what she wishes people knew.
The 22-year-old artist discusses creating healing spaces for communities impacted by injustice.
14-year-old student Raquel Gonzalez writes about why educators need to listen to students’ opinions on how and what they want to learn.
Thainá Theodoro takes us through her busy week as she balances applying to colleges and running her nonprofit, Sem Medo.
La estudiante de 17 años María Florinda escribe sobre la lucha para continuar su educación y hablar en Nueva York junto a Michelle Obama.
17-year-old student María Florinda writes about fighting to continue her education and speaking in New York alongside Michelle Obama.