We take a look at the conversations girls are having about racial discrimination and their work to create a more equal world.
Assembly's latest series features 30 female athletes around the world who defy convention on and off the field.
17-year-old Paradise Ocean Phoenix writes about creating a digital show with the Lower East Side Girls Club.
Carlita Washington writes about working as student government attorney general to end racial injustice and police brutality on campus.
As a first-generation Guatemalan American student, this is an accomplishment I’ve always dreamed of — but getting here was no easy task.
Como estudiante guatemalteca-estadounidense de primera generación, este es un logro con el que siempre he soñado, pero llegar aquí no fue fácil.
From filmmakers to astronauts, leading women offer advice to the class of 2020.
Between lots of Zoom calls, girls told us what works — and what doesn’t — in remote learning.
For International Women’s Day, we asked illustrator Joelle Avelino to draw girls in their future jobs.
Sempena sambutan Hari Wanita Antarabangsa, kami minta ilustrator Joelle Avelino untuk melukis gambar beberapa orang gadis dalam suasana kerjaya masa depan mereka.
ለአለም አቀፍ የሴቶች ቀን ፣ ሰዓሊ Joelle Avelino ልጃገረዶችን የወደፊት ስራዎቻቸው እንዳሉ አድርጎ ስእላዊ መግለጫ እንድሰጥ ለመሳል ጠየቅን፡
Le pedimos a la ilustradora Joelle Avelino que dibujara a estas niñas en su futuro trabajo para el Día Internacional de la Mujer.
Pedimos à ilustradora Joelle Avelino para desenhar estas meninas em seu futuro trabalho para o Dia Internacional da Mulher.
We asked young journalists from Canada, Chile, India and the U.S. about what it is like to lead a newsroom.
“The justice system can be a really powerful tool for girls.”
“O sistema judicial pode ser uma ferramenta muito poderosa para meninas e adolescentes.”
"Tsarin shari'a mai adalci na iya zama wani makami mai matukar amfani ga 'yan mata."
Making periods easier, safer and cheaper for every girl.
Young women from Brazil, Ethiopia, India, Malaysia and more share their stories to destigmatise menstruation.
Girls from 13 countries share photos of their favourite activities and tell us why they love them.