16-year-old student Katty Reyes shares the reality of the crisis in Venezuela.
The teenage track star discusses preparing for the Tokyo Games and how educators can better support students with disabilities.
Geisi escribe sobre ir a buscar agua cada día y lo que más (y menos) le gusta sobre la cuarentena.
Geisi writes about fetching water every day and what she likes most (and least) about quarantine.
Alexandra shares how she’s keeping busy with drawing contests and crafting.
Alexandra comparte cómo se mantiene ocupada con competencias de pintura y artesanía.
Assembly's latest series features 30 female athletes around the world who defy convention on and off the field.
From the classroom to the football pitch, chess board and ski slope, how education helps athletes in competitions and in life.
For International Women’s Day, we asked illustrator Joelle Avelino to draw girls in their future jobs.
Sempena sambutan Hari Wanita Antarabangsa, kami minta ilustrator Joelle Avelino untuk melukis gambar beberapa orang gadis dalam suasana kerjaya masa depan mereka.
ለአለም አቀፍ የሴቶች ቀን ፣ ሰዓሊ Joelle Avelino ልጃገረዶችን የወደፊት ስራዎቻቸው እንዳሉ አድርጎ ስእላዊ መግለጫ እንድሰጥ ለመሳል ጠየቅን፡
Le pedimos a la ilustradora Joelle Avelino que dibujara a estas niñas en su futuro trabajo para el Día Internacional de la Mujer.
Pedimos à ilustradora Joelle Avelino para desenhar estas meninas em seu futuro trabalho para o Dia Internacional da Mulher.
In 2019, Assembly featured hundreds of girls and women around the world, from menstrual activists and Olympians, to STEM advocates and education champions.
Four million people have left the country as the economic and humanitarian crisis worsens.
Quatro milhões de pessoas deixaram o país à medida que a crise econômica e humanitária se agrava.
Cuatro millones de personas han abandonado el país a medida que la crisis económica y humanitaria empeora.